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    Spry-LTD is a scammer disguised as a broker!

    When we go to the official website of Spry-LTD -, we will find that this company provides intermediary services for trading operations on the Forex market in England. Spry-LTD also provides financial action programs.

    UniteCommerce are scammers, don't trust them!

    When we go to the official website of UniteCommerce -, we will read that this company provides trading services on the Forex financial market in England. In addition, UniteCommerce provides programs for financial transactions. We explored the official website of UniteCommerce, got acquainted with the terms of operations, made a trip to get at least demo access to the software, analyzed the existence of documents, the region where the company was registered.

    Broker CryptoKG, which operates on the territory of Britain, is a scammer with an unclean reputation

    When we get to the official website of CryptoKG -, we will read that this organization provides trading services on the Forex financial market in Great Britain. In addition, CryptoKG offers services for financial transactions.